Tuesday, August 27, 2024

UDLCO dyadic: PaJR aim , OPD buy in and a patient with Micturition Syncope

UDLCO summary: The aim of the PaJR project is to connect with humans at a scale to capture their clinical problems and develop a case based reasoning engine fueled by every individual PaJR case report. 

With that end an initial "buy in" to educate patients toward the benefits of it's asynchronous and yet persistent clinical encounter system was shared as a notice in our rural medical college, medicine department outpatient door in the local language and for a long time it remained unutilized as the predominant preferred mode was direct synchronous phone calls. 

However in recent times it has been picked up by an increasing population of rural smart phone users who may even use it to jump the que if we aren't careful. 

Persistent clinical encounters (https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/persistent-clinical-encounters-user-driven/42602), through asynchronous textual communication archived in online accessible but meticulously deidentified horcrux EHR case reports is a potentially valuable mechanism to solve individual patient problems in the community.

UDLCO glossary:


Dyadic Transcripts between an OPD patient and PaJR coordinator while in OPD:

[27/08, 11:26] Patient advocate 35M : Hi sir sir, this is ... from mlg, when ever i was did cracking ( vollu viruvadam ) at that time i felt down , this occurred 3 to 4 times to me, this only early morning both room time means (toilet time), what is the my problem sir, what happened to me, why it's came me, anything serious problem to me, please give your valuable suggestion to me.

[27/08, 11:37] PaJR coordinator: Thanks. Please call our CEO coordinator at +91  and we will help you as a team

[27/08, 11:54] Patient advocate 35M +91 9 : Hi Sir, CEO sir said took op contact you , now i am in our hospital, i took op, which room will you meet now

[27/08, 11:56] PaJR coordinator: Medicine OPD last room

[27/08, 12:01] Patient advocate 35M +91 9: Are you in 78 OPD room sir

[27/08, 12:02] +91 9: Okay sir, i am in front of 78 OPD room,

[27/08, 12:07] PaJR coordinator: What's your number in the que

Current que number is 42

[27/08, 12:11] patient advocate 35M +91: My que no 39

[27/08, 12:12] PaJR coordinator: Then you can come in

[27/08, 12:16] PaJR coordinator: It's 48

[27/08, 12:16] patient advocate +91: Okay sir

[27/08, 12:31] PaJR coordinator:

Micturition syncope

Increased water consumption at night

Counseled to avoid water before sleep

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