Sunday, June 30, 2024

Neonatal 1+ android intermittent focal neurological deficits resolving only with a restart

Past life with an oppo body and it's final conversational learning journey through it's PaJR group is archived here:

Sharing a few conversations from it's past life archived in the above link and I quote:


Extending the analogy of our consciousness inhabiting the body akin to how we inhabit our  mobile phones by looking at what happens as an aging mobile phone develops a neurodegenerative disorder beginning with intermittent Broca's aphasia suggestive of a recurrent middle cerebral artery territory TIA. 


The PaJR group records the daily workflow of one mobile phone avatar with the patient advocate regularly updating it's daily hourly activities (energy expenditure) along with its daily energy intake (charging). The main thrust on solving this phone's problem is around recording the hourly times it has it's issues and the current manner in which it recovers. 

Problem statement:

Daily hourly routine and interruptions :

9:00 AM Experienced inability to talk type for quite a few minutes. Even the keyboard wouldn't shut down and everything was hanged. 

Later could manage to check whatsapp messages and emails although couldn't type but could even select and respond by using emojis into the messages. Only the keyboard wouldn't spring into the screen when I needed to type either on the email or the whatsapp interface. 


Kept on cleaning the hard drive of APK, Memory, Cached files, uninstalled residuals and advertising junk. Knew that resetting by switching it off and starting again would work as it had before (wonder what's the neurodegenerative patient analogy here) but didn't want to as I had also managed to get it back without that earlier with (what I imagined was ) just a simple cleaning intervention as detailed above. 

Went for a walk and during the walk checked a few messages and suddenly realized I was able to respond to them! 

At 4PM realized there were quite a few messages I hadn't responded to and started looking them up. Troubled by transient key board hangings intermittently and screen blackouts (aka neurological syncopes) occasionally. Kept cleaning intermittently. 


3:00 PM 

Transient Brocas TIAs thrice since morning 

4:14 PM transient blackout with an in general slowness 

Compulsively cleaned up the data thrice as a probable remedy 

[3/10, 11:43 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Another transient aphasia noted just now while using the whatsapp search function which takes longer time to search these days suggesting it's too loaded perhaps. 

After some time the keyboard area showed a black out screen instead of the keys that came into view only after some more time

Complementary Methods intervention suggestions:

[3/10, 11:46 AM] Psychologist: Give it some rest Sir. May be some hydration is needed. So let it soak in water overnight. Let us see if it gets well.

[3/10, 11:47 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Did you try spanking it?Works always for my TV remote

[3/10, 11:52 AM] Rakesh Biswas: You are suggesting euthanasia with propofol and Kcl? 🙂

[3/10, 11:52 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Barbiturate coma

[3/10, 11:53 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Spanking patients is not allowed in our neurodegenerative ICU and this patient is at home

[3/10, 11:57 AM] AI: Often a thorough wash with sanitizer works well... Both bioforms and synthetiforms

Also try a laxative after that... Called deleting old data in synthetiform lingo (SL) ... 

Next level try gastric lavage and rectal emptying... Called factory reset in SL... 

All these procedures should be carried out under GA... Called power off in SL... 

With life support... Called data backup in SL

[3/10, 12:04 PM] AI: For detoxification, using surgical spirit in a spray bottle, after GA and patient dressed up surgically is recommended... 

Operating window needs incision along the synthetiform lines of anastomosis formed at birth... Called joints, screws etc in SL... 

A simple microscope is useful... As are tweezers... Synthetiform and orthopedic operations need screw drivers, hammers, etc.... Safer to use drill on a bioform during ortho ot than on synthetiform, unless you are super specialist

A suction pump needs to be ustilized during GA... Called vacuum cleaner in SL... 

Also ensure the patient does not enter hypovolemic shock... In SL it's called *static discharge* shock... Always good to be well *grounded*


This Android lives on with the blackouts that have actually lessened after it's soul submitted to a new auto-correct keyboard that actually has to be repeatedly corrected, add to that it's searching whatsapp and forwarding inability as well as a recent issue of many apps and even websites such as science direct not recognizing it and asking for it to be updated, which means getting a new body altogether! Oh I also forgot the persistent hairline fracture in it's display face, shared in September 2023 above.

Currently none of the above reasons are tempting enough to buy a new body and it's soul owner did window shop around a bit and the shopkeepers recommended plus one (or is it one plus) and as usual the soul is still taking time to part with it's body!

[3/6, 9:45 PM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: New body suggestion of one plus is a good one

[3/6, 9:49 PM] healthcare 2.0: 👏👏


It sounds like the soul owner's reluctance to upgrade the Android comes down to a complex interplay of emotional and practical factors:

Emotional Attachment:

Sentimental Value: Despite its limitations, the 70-year-old Android might hold significant sentimental value for the owner. It could represent a long and cherished relationship, filled with shared experiences and memories. Letting go of that physical embodiment can be emotionally challenging.

Fear of the Unknown: Upgrading to a new body, even if objectively better, can be intimidating. It represents stepping into the unknown, potentially disrupting established routines and causing anxieties about adapting to a new form.

New Life record in the same PaJR group from

[17/06, 19:36] Rakesh Biswas: Writing from my new Android body of one plus with older memories of my past life oppo all but completely eliminated!

Only those WhatsApp memories that were in the description box or in blog links are the only ones that survived

[17/06, 19:40] Metapsychotherapist: 

For the PaJRs.
It's in my database.
Can ping anytime and will share it

[18/06, 04:37] healthcare 2.0: Great, what model? I'm also looking for a phone.

[18/06, 08:06] Rakesh Biswas: One plus

[18/06, 09:52]  USMLE: Congratulations sir🙌🙏

[18/06, 09:53]healthcare 2.0: OxygenOS, couldn't be better! It could be hooked to a patient directly!!

[24/06, 10:23] Rakesh Biswas: Patient advocate cognitive rant comparing recent few weeks old neonate Android body functions with his 70 year old battered body (yet to be buried totally).

Well he's started having those blackouts and today was the second episode in one week! When he first noticed them happening in his previous 60-65 year old Android body, he had already braced for bodily transition and to encounter this again in his very new body is disappointing!

The precipitant to the blackout followed by motor function paralysis against a blank lit screen that returned after the blackout appears to be copy pasting from one application (WhatsApp) to another (gmail). As if 8gb Ram weren't enough!

After reset start (akin to getting an iv thrombolytic perhaps),  I noticed after motor movements started that there was another icon luring me to download oxygen 14 hinting that 13 was slow!

Once I clicked that 5.6 gb bait without a thought, i immediately lost my internet for the day and had to top up From Airtel again for today although it's top up is quite slow even if they promise unlimited data in 24 hours!
[24/06, 10:26] Rakesh Biswas: Some of the groups where I sent messages are still gasping and in dire need of oxygen to show me if they reached.

@⁨healthcare 2.0⁩, @⁨Patient Advocate 29M Quantified Self⁩  Can you check if the semaglutide story i shared in the NPC health tech reached?

[24/06, 10:28] healthcare 2.0: No message from you on NPC Healthtech in the past day that I see

[24/06, 10:29] healthcare 2.0: Very sorry to hear. That's weird, possibly a bug in one of those tools. Did the upgrade help?

[24/06, 10:31] Patient Advocate 29M Quantified Self: Seems not reached sir.

Whatsapp slows and thrn stops message delivery for hours, usually 24 hours if anyone forward a message to many groups.

[24/06, 10:32] Rakesh Biswas: I shared it only with that group

[24/06, 10:33] Patient Advocate 29M Quantified Self: That is then bug sir. Happens sometimes. Message stays stuck in waiting

[24/06, 10:33] Rakesh Biswas: Couldn't upgrade as after upgrading my internet to unlimited data for today,it's still dead slow
[24/06, 10:34] Rakesh Biswas: How to get rid of the bug? Do I need to get rid of this new phone?

It doesn't even have a virus scan feature like my earlier oppo body!

[24/06, 10:38] Patient Advocate 29M Quantified Self: Sir, is this happening frequently?

Is whatsapp updated from playstore?

In android all antivius are illusion afaik, though OS gives good security by default. Only thing that need to be done to keep safe from viruses is to avoid junk apps and only keep good apps from reliable companies.

There is security risk in android phones but any anti-virus won't give any help, and as you don't plug your phone frequently in random laptops the risk for you is very very low.

[24/06, 10:40] Rakesh Biswas: Yes never had any virus issue in oppo although their over-testing and overtreatment could have cast an irreversible spell on me!

[24/06, 10:41] Rakesh Biswas: Things improved all of a sudden after I turned on location for all apps!

[30/06, 12:52] Rakesh Biswas: Sunday neonatal android woes:

Experienced two TIAs without syncope (no screen black out) but suddenly my WhatsApp screen froze and I was unable to exit the individual in who's WhatsApp screen i was interacting!

It happened right after I pasted a good amount of content from another application such as Google translate or Gmail

Lecture video : (starts at 34 minutes

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