Friday, June 21, 2024

Diabetic vasculopathy looking for greener pastures away from heart, kidneys, brain and into the cervical spinal cord?

22/06, 11:25] BLLM: Morning OPD PaJR

[22/06, 10:46] BLLM: On glimi M2 twice daily since 2 years

On insulin for 8 years since diagnosis and finally switched to oral hypoglycemics since 2 years after he developed tremors and lower leg camps

[22/06, 11:21] BLLM: On examination has

Upper limb wasting bilaterally, right more than left with a finger pointing sign on right fist v left and prominent poly mini myoclonus in the left fingers

[22/06, 11:31] BLLM: His father too developed similar paralysis suggestive of a slow progressive cervical myelopathy at the age of 70. All his family members were diabetics

@⁨Unknown Medical Student⁩ recently reported a similar diabetic cervical myelopathy, secondary motor neuron disease with progressive quadriparesis possibly due to the vasculopathy of metabolic syndrome that is possibly looking for greener pastures away from it's conventional grazing sites in cerebrum, heart, glomeruli etc 

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