Sunday, February 9, 2014

A UDHC TV show in two episodes of clinical problem solving

The camera follows the presenter/host (and the patient in his/her rural background protecting his her identity as much as is feasible with informed consent) and subsequently meticulously all the footage is edited to make the movie tell the patient's story in an absorbing manner (to capture an audience of all humans who watch TV including medical students who will benefit from the presenter's clinical examination and interpretation skills).

The first episode will tell the patient's story including the presenter's clinical examination (minus her interpretations). This shall in effect put forward the patient's problem to be solved more like a mystery story toward detecting the possible pathology and etiology of the problem by a global audience who shall log onto our website with their interactive inputs and their own patient-centered interpretations.

The patient's raw script and history could be hosted onto the website here and the TV audience in the first episode can be given the patient's botanical-scientific name so that they could locate her and post their inputs right on the patient's page. For example if you are one of the audience and i tell you the patient is a 36 year old woman with Polyarthritis for 20 years and her name is CANARIUM462BENGALENSE, all you would have to do as an audience is go to, click on the inputs page and key in CANARIUM462BENGALENSE in the search engine there. You will find this patient's narrative in Hindi (we can translate it into English) as well as interesting clinical pictures of the patient there. Try it and let me know if you can locate her on the website.

In the next episode the presenter physician as the anchor would begin uncovering the mystery to the audience (layer by layer taking care to preserve the suspense till the end). The presentation in this episode  will be again technically very simple with the presenter trying to put forward the learning queries centered around the patient through simple questions such as what is happening in this woman's joints (and why her why not someone else) even she goes about explaining the known etio-pathogenesis from a micro level of current understanding, elucidating current gaps and finally moves over to available options for this patient (options at various points of time in her disease) again highlighting the current gaps in available options that could be crowd-sourced to potential translational clinician-scientist entrepreneurs who could again be reached through a TV audience.

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