Sunday, January 25, 2009

user driven health care for plants

I guess the following discussion that I generated on a list serv may serve as an example:
We have noticed these leaf changes in our queen's crepe myrtle from a potted sapling since Jan 2008 (image apr 18 2008) as they persist even today although the plant continues to thrive. (Image Jan 25 2009).

Would be grateful for comments, suggestions regarding these peculiar changes and remedies.


Response 1

I notice a couple of leaves having a sort of crumpled appearance. Itcould be the larvae of some insect on the rear side of the leaves.Sometimes, the moths lay their eggs on the rear portion of the leavesand the larvae build some kind of cocoon around themselves. If that isthe case, removing the cocoon should help.regards

Yazdy Palia.

Response 2

Rakesh-- Occasionally I've had an occasional deformed leaf, usually caused by either minor insect damage or drought stress as leaves are starting to expand. Again, I wouldn't worry about it at all. Enjoy the color of the new growth!

Ken Greby,
Broward County,
Florida USA

Response 3

My own:

Thanks Ken.

Yes I guess this is a minor problem after all as long as they aren't failing to thrive.


Thanks Yazdy.

I shall keep that in mind.

Meanwhile the discussion contiues to evolve:

Hi Yazdy,

Whenever u see the leaves are being eaten/crumpled in a potted plant, u tend to use the pesticides to remove the infection.

However, many a times it is a food plant of caterpillars of butterflies or moths. Although all the leaves are eaten and the the entire plant becomes leafless, dont worry. It is the natural process which u should not interfere into. After some days, these caterpillars will form a pupa/ cocoon and imrge into a butterfly or a moth. Eventually, the plant will grow new leaves again.

i have reared many butterflies and moths so far sucessfully.

please remember when u remove a cocoon from a leaf, u kill a butterfly or a moth before it is born.



Hope it continues...

Cheers to pluralism.