Sunday, June 9, 2024

Defining Integrative medicine : two world views and one haggard face

 UDLC summary :

This UDLCO is from a dyadic conversation between two professors from two different locales and illustrated further by a case study of two different remedies, one a recent modern pharmacological block buster and another an ancient plant based remedy in non modern energy medicine associated with a similar effect on the face. 

[5/17, 12:59 PM] Prof Bangalore : These are just thoughts thinking aloud. It’s a given that my exposure and knowledge of the integrative medicine space is very limited. First, can we create an integrative medicine teaching module for science, humanities and medical students ? Would involve suggested reading, lectures, visuals and some immersive experience in conservation and clinics. Second, can we define the structure of current public health approach and challenges, where the current approach can change with integrative medicine playing a role ? Obviously nutrition and diets play a major role. Third, can we conceptualise the knowledge and discovery process in the allopathic and Ayush space and suggest a formal hybrid structure ? Fourth, can we define network pharmacology and the process of discovery cum utilisation ? Five, can we document the demographic and consumer choices in medicine based on their symptoms cum medical conditions ? Six, what is the conceptual structure of immunity and infection in the Ayush space ? No claim of any kind to importance, novelty what ever in what I am saying. Just a conversation we are having over coffee.

[5/18, 6:33 AM] Prof Narketpally : Integrative medicine is team based collaborative medicine where teams from different world views get together to think around a given individual patient's requirements and develop a plan that best fits the patient's requirements regardless of their own world view

Integrating different world views:

Two faces of 


and Staphysagria 

In the link below :

"great emaciation with dark rings under the eyes and sallow face."

Rubrics : Haggard facial expression, pinched, old 

Above from the book "

Suppressed Staphysagria

By Farokh J. Master online here :

Good description of staphysagria mentals :

Under creative commons licence :

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