Tuesday, August 22, 2023

"Jar of mango pickles" sign: system 2 medical cognition PaJR from 2013 revisited

In this link : http://www.udhc.co.in/INPUT/displayIssueGraphically.jsp?topic_id=218 used to be the patient input record

Please find the output after discussion including the current status here: http://www.udhc.co.in/SOLUTION/viewSolution.jsp?solution_id=40&topic_id=218

Also please find the discussion we had in our forum (including comments from Prof Dilawari):

Rakesh Biswas
Currently we are managing this 23 year old lady suffering from symptoms of malabsorption syndrome since the last 14 years when she was given a diagnosis of gluten sensitive enteropathy at the age of 9.

Presently possibly since the last 2 years she has severe kyphoscoliosis along with severe bowing of her upper limbs as well as a left clavicular fracture with callus (Ela can you upload her clinical pictures?). Her neurological examination suggests paraplegia with increased DTRs and bilateral flexor planters.

We have done a macroscopic examination of the 24 hour stools which looks like a 'jar of pickles' (Ela picture?) with undigested fecal food particles. What are your thoughts on further management of this lady in pain?
Like · · Unfollow Post · February 24 at 4:40pm

As all the content including the actual stool image has been lost on changing the PaJR platform, shared a few google images of actual mango pickles jar from the internet from witch's kitchen and Tarla Dalal 

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