Monday, March 28, 2016

A check list for assessment of the patient-information-communicator’s Online-learning portfolio


Patients are interviewed by the learner and s/he also creates their HIPAA de-identified online-health-records that may contain their history and clinical images other than their investigations


Here the learner is concerned with how things happen by attempting to see them from different perspectives and relying on one’s thoughts, feelings and judgement. (Reference 1)


Here learning is achieved by rigorous thinking (reflecting), using a systematic approach to structure and frame the phenomena being experienced. Emphasis is placed on the definition and classification of abstract ideas and concepts, aiming at precise conceptual categories. (Reference 1)


The learner attempts to influence people and change situations as necessary. (Reference 1)

Cognitive/Intellectual Action

Taking patient histories (in patient’s voice) and taking clinical images and recording them in blogs

Using structured templates to record patient findings such as Mini-mental scores, depression scores, quality of life scores etc

Making an optimal assessment and plan for the patient

Writing an order for pharmacological therapy (only for those with a licence)

Physical/Motor Action:

Assisting in data collection not only directly from the patient’s bedside but also from the patient’s radiology, labs and procedures and documenting it with images

Performing physiotherapy (only for those with a licence)

Learning points-

These can be either based on the case or the number of learning points gained by the learner during the entire week.

1)    Kohonen,V. 2009 Learning to learn through reflection – an experiential learning perspective. Full text downloaded on March 28th 2016 from

Further reading:

Methodological differences that our 'constructivist' program has with traditional programs here in this link:

Portfolios: Learning and Assessment in Medical Education Catherine Moltzan MD FRCPC: downloaded on March 28th 2016 from

Check-list for patient-safety near miss reporting (toward quality improvement):

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