Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Summary of the TCHE and TCSE (entrepreneur workflow):

TCHE (Trained community health entrepreneur):
Fee for service entrepreneurial model:
In our currently active TCHE model, the village representative working for us 2000 kms away from our institute in Bhopal, India charges money from patients to upload their history-data (after de-identification and signed informed consent) in and to his credit he has a long line of villagers queuing up regularly to provide their health inputs (they pay him anything ranging from 1-10 $ for his services in helping share their information with our team.

Some of these patients from 2000 Kms away eventually land up to show us at our institute for further interventions (that become much easier to carry out as a result of our pre-work-up through the web-site). Our prime focus is not to get patients to our hospital but to prospectively mine all their data toward developing significant insights into improving health care practice. We provide advice for the local physicians of these patients asking them to consider specific tests or therapeutic interventions based on the information provided after matching the particular patient information with current best generalized evidence. Our developer from Bangalore is currently working on data-mining the available patient information here: using keyword tags (his work is presented here:

TCSE (Translational Clinician Scientist Workflow): This person is a Health professional who will as a part of his/her regular workflow process the patient data that involves:

      Merging Particular patient information and Evidence based on population based patient data
      Exploring the research questions raised by the patient

      Looking up similar cases as well as systematic reviews around the questions raised by the patient’s problems

      Further shared learning with our online group who can extract themes from the posted patient data and develop further research questions that can be searched online

      Most of these questions can focus on implementable solutions for the individual patient whose data has been posted

Fee for service entrepreneurial model:
The health professional (TCSE) can charge fees to provide the above services

New product Discovery and product patenting:

the TCSE can further achieve entrepreneurial aspirations around new product discovery and patenting and this would depend on a) his/her identification of the problem for which s/he would like to develop a solution ( this would be during the clinical rotation phase in an Institute providing the bedside clinical platform and clinical academic guide) b) Developing the solution (the bench phase in an institute providing the bench/laboratory and academic guide) and c) marketing the solution to the identified patient population( a large fraction of who could be tapped from the patient population in the institute where the TCSE learned to identify the patient problem).

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