Wednesday, August 21, 2024

UDLCO: Talent and culture in organizations and elder care


[21/08, 08:14] So +918: We are so unreliable culturally and with poor work ethics. I wonder how we can deliver consistent service. Elder care is largely about providing services... we can't trust the last mile person providing any unmeasurable service in India. Thoughts? May be we are good with foreigners... medical tourism ever took off?

[21/08, 08:27] RB: That's the difference between US and them!

[21/08, 08:28] RB: But on a positive note, we too are trainable humans where we can be made to shake off our invader shackles that apparently still have a stronghold on our collective cognition and develop more deliverable empathy where we are not paranoid about immediate ROIs

[21/08, 08:34]So +918: Every time I heard seekh jaayega... I trusted...

21/08, 08:36] RB: Oh we need a stronger system of competency based evaluation before we can trust!

Till then the system can only function with a zero trust architecture 👇

[21/08, 08:36]NA +918: Elder care is a valid topic. For example, Ratan Tata’s care for self/other Sr citizens (with Shantanu Naidu from GoodFellows) is a good precedent.

For those of us who are 40-something now, India will lose its demographic dividend in 2050’s with a 2041 peak; technically at least.

India, historically and culturally, no doubt has a lot more compassion for the elderly and care. And more and more children being global citizens, will it help take care of their own elderly? 

With our strong value system, we do it today for our parents today, is it going to hold true for our next few generations? Worth introspecting. What we sow, we reap.

[21/08, 08:38] RB: At the end of the day it's ultimately about human care but yes if folks here are interested we have a focused group for that here👇

[21/08, 08:39] NA+918: 👍

Absolutely our bounden duty.. how many think of it that way? Will join this group.

[21/08, 09:16] RB wearing a DJ hat posting another UDLCO from another group onto this group below: 

[21/08, 08:45] +91 : 

Backdoor entry 

Not lateral entry

[21/08, 09:06] br AFMC: आईजी पटेल, मनमोहन, मोंटेक...नेहरू के दिनों से चली आ रही लेटरल एंट्री फिर भी मोदी सरकार ने लिया यू-टर्न

[21/08, 09:07] br AFMC:

 Old system....

Back door entry is in practice since 1919....almost since 105 years after first elections in India.....

Beauty of democracy....😊🙏

[21/08, 09:13] +91 98: Misinterpreted 

The Modi government advertised the first vacancies for lateral entrants in 2018. On Tuesday, it asked the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to withdraw its August 17 advertisement

[21/08, 09:13] 

RB: Backdoor and front door entry to politics!??

Isn't politics supposed to be without walls (and doors and windows)?

[21/08, 09:17] So+918: All the jobs posted recently are on hold now. I just got this news... many jobs posted in lateral are on hold.

[21/08, 09:19] RB: Kudos to those who didn't apply (for their foresight)!

[21/08, 09:43] Group Moderator: ** housekeeping message **
Dear friends, while this particular community has become very broad based from the original "talent & culture" charter, and maybe for a reason, I request everyone to still use their own self-judgement on how to leverage this community, and interact here given we are now nearly 400 and counting. We don't want too much adult supervision nor will many of us folks who took on the burden/liability to create have time to admin this 24x7, but a few things that come to mind (this is for everyone, not one or set of people so kindly take it in stride in terms of trying to improve impact and value here)
- best to avoid any direct messaging that maybe constituted as "abuse" towards individuals and companies. There are ways to give constructive criticism or even give blunt feedback and register discontent and disagreement. Please remember at all times that this is a professional community. Thus language also becomes important. 
- best to minimize 1/1 lingering chatter and casual messages. Pl remember the significant membership here.
- best not to use this community for entertainment value. That said, we are human may digress from time to time but we can keep in mind. Again, this is a professional community assembled to talk about talent & culture and all areas for learning and improvement etc
- best not to use this community for every possible topic under the universe. While what you post maybe important to you, pl consider if it somewhat matches with mission here. for example, posting on LinkedIn, Facebook maybe better avenues to get your word out etc. This is very subjective so request each of us reflect on what makes sense here etc. 
- you can add to this pl. Your input is very important. This is your community. 
Also, pl keep in mind that most though not writing are reading messages so our reputation is also at stake. We want this to be an informal channel to debate & discuss important issues and opportunities too that can help us learn from each other and help raise and influence the quality of our ecosystem.
Thanks to all for being members of this important community! 
Best wishes,

[21/08, 10:50] Group Moderator: We can run a survey in a while but request all of you to chime in on your thoughts on scope and guidelines (not rules!) that would be appropriate here. So far it has been a ton of learning and important topics for me. Thanks!

[21/08, 17:33] AK +918: The other communities (Healthcare, Prod Mgmt etc..) can be focused on their charter.  The Talent and Culture and specifically culture is a broad topic and we can keep it more open for broad-based discussions. Sometimes we may have disagreements but that is ok and by nature T&C topics will have different opinions.

[21/08, 17:48] Group Moderator: thx  Other suggestions and advise? The community needs to own the charter here.

[21/08, 21:07] J +913: I had joined this group/community to see how individuals/members identifies and nurtures talent and creates culture of excellence in teams and scales it across organization. In the early days, I found some of the discussion, even though broad and not tied to above expectations, was helpful. 

However off lately, we seem to covering everything under the term culture 🙂

Personally, I'd benefit and recommend admins to define/create guard rails around talent & culture. These guard rails act as a reference point for members to have open conversations around them.

[22/08, 02:14]RCP +911: Culture is what someone is and does

[22/08, 02:19] RCP +911: Culture is what not to be. Culture is not about touching an elderly person's feet. It is about the intangible emotion (the respect) behind the act. This a small example.... My two cents on this. What we feel and do with a sense of ownership and authenticity is culture

[22/08, 06:04] SK+910: Culture is intangible and invisible behaviour which is demonstrated and driven by founder at the very core. Vision, mission and values, help determine framework, including rules, policies and procedures. The consistent demonstration of values defines behaviour and eventually the habits where everyone is motivated towards the vision. The culture is how you live your values, expectations managed and consistent communication, resulting in subconscious and consistent ritual on day to day basis.

[22/08, 07:42] kb +914: Culture for me is how a group of people act when in a trough and crest kind of situation in their day to day life

[22/08, 08:02] RB: Seeing that this group is about 'talent and culture' let me attempt to broaden the scope but keep my definition as brief as possible in one sentence:

Talent is the potential for performance in a social group (workplace, society, nation etc)while culture is the overall performance (including the responses of the group to each individual's performance)that can be viewed through different zoom lenses sometimes from up close (individuals who believe in participatory action as well as a ringside view) and sometimes from outer space (policy makers) and our appreciation of the performance would also heavily depend on the lens/opera glasses we used at the time of viewing!

UDLCO glossary:

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1 comment:

Miracles99 said...

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