Sunday, February 11, 2024

PaJR Telugu, Bengali and English guidelines for sharing daily energy inputs and outputs

First in Telugu (scroll to the bottom for Bengali and English) :

మీరు మీ రోగి యొక్క రోజువారీ గంట కార్యకలాపాలను దిగువ స్లాట్ చేయబడిన పద్ధతిలో పంచుకోగలరా? 👇

08.02.2024 నవీకరించబడింది

8.30 AM - మేల్కొనే సమయం

8.30-9 AM - ఫ్రెషప్

9.30 AM - అల్పాహారం (6 వడ + చట్నీ)+ ఒక కప్పు కాఫీ

10 AM - 1 PM - క్లయింట్ కాల్స్

1.45 PM- మధ్యాహ్న భోజనం (3 కప్పుల అన్నం + చికెన్ కర్రీ సుమారు 300gm)

2.15-5.30 PM - క్లయింట్ పని కొనసాగుతుంది

6 PM - 2 మఫిన్లు + ఒక కప్పు టీ

6. PM- 9PM- సిస్టమ్‌లో క్లయింట్ పని

9.30 PM - రాత్రి భోజనం (2 కప్పుల అన్నం + చికెన్ కర్రీ సుమారు 200gm)

గమనిక- దిగువ ఎడమవైపు నొప్పి రోజంతా ముఖ్యమైనది. అతను తరచుగా విరామాలలో వేడి నీటి సంచితో స్థానిక హీట్ అప్లికేషన్ చేయడానికి ప్రయత్నించాడు. ఈ రోజు ఉదయం నిద్ర లేవగానే కొంచెం బెటర్ అని చెప్పాడు, బహుశా నిన్న హీట్ అప్లికేషన్ వల్ల కావచ్చు.

Mīru mī rōgi yokka rōjuvārī gaṇṭa kāryakalāpālanu diguva slāṭ cēyabaḍina pad'dhatilō pan̄cukōgalarā? 👇

08.02.2024 Navīkarin̄cabaḍindi

8.30 AM - mēlkonē samayaṁ

8.30-9 AM - phreṣap

9.30 AM - alpāhāraṁ (6 vaḍa + caṭnī)+ oka kappu kāphī

10 AM - 1 PM - klayiṇṭ kāls

1.45 PM- madhyāhna bhōjanaṁ (3 kappula annaṁ + ciken karrī sumāru 300gm)

2.15-5.30 PM - klayiṇṭ pani konasāgutundi

6 PM - 2 maphinlu + oka kappu ṭī

6. PM- 9PM- sisṭam‌lō klayiṇṭ pani

9.30 PM - rātri bhōjanaṁ (2 kappula annaṁ + ciken karrī sumāru 200gm)

gamanika- diguva eḍamavaipu noppi rōjantā mukhyamainadi. Atanu taracugā virāmālalō vēḍi nīṭi san̄citō sthānika hīṭ aplikēṣan cēyaḍāniki prayatnin̄cāḍu. Ī rōju udayaṁ nidra lēvagānē kon̄ceṁ beṭar ani ceppāḍu, bahuśā ninna hīṭ aplikēṣan valla kāvaccu.

আপনি কি আপনার রোগীর প্রতিদিনের ঘন্টার ক্রিয়াকলাপগুলি নীচের স্লটের মতো করে ভাগ করতে পারেন? 👇 

08.02.2024 আপডেট 

8.30 AM - ঘুম থেকে ওঠার সময় 

8.30-9 AM - ফ্রেশআপ 

9.30 AM - প্রাতঃরাশ (6 ভাদা + চাটনি) + এক কাপ কফি 

10 AM - 1 PM - ক্লায়েন্ট কল 

1.45 PM- দুপুরের খাবার (3 কাপ ভাত + চিকেন কারি প্রায় 300 গ্রাম) 

2.15-5.30 PM - ক্লায়েন্টের কাজ চলতে থাকে 

6 PM - 2 মাফিন + এক কাপ চা

 6. PM- 9PM- সিস্টেমে ক্লায়েন্টের কাজ 

9.30 PM - রাতের খাবার (2 কাপ ভাত + চিকেন কারি প্রায় 200 গ্রাম)

 দ্রষ্টব্য- নীচের বাম দিকে ব্যথা সারা দিন উল্লেখযোগ্য ছিল। তিনি ঘন ঘন বিরতিতে একটি গরম জলের ব্যাগ দিয়ে স্থানীয় তাপ প্রয়োগ করার চেষ্টা করেছিলেন। আজ সকালে ঘুম থেকে ওঠার পর সে বলে একটু ভালো হয়েছে, হয়তো গতকাল তাপ প্রয়োগের কারণে।

UDLCO summary: Description of how team based learning around low backache keeping the patient's requirements at the center can eventually be beneficial toward improving backache patient outcomes 

Patient advocate's initiation to the PaJR team based patient centred learning group:

[11/07, 17:16] Genau PaJR CEO CFHE IIT: Please kindly start posting current symptoms

[11/07, 19:24] Patient Advocate 55f Backache Telangana: She is suffering from back pain and legs pain

[11/07, 19:25] Patient Advocate 55f Backache Telangana: Feels high back pain while getting from bed

[11/07, 19:26] Patient Advocate 55f Backache Telangana: Sometimes feels pain in shoulder and neck

[11/07, 19:27] Patient Advocate 55f Backache Telangana: Pains during folding of legs

[11/07, 19:27] Genau PaJR CEO CFHE IIT: Describe how she feels in the morning immediately after getting up from bed 

Please kindly describe her daily routine from getting up in the morning hour by hour

[11/07, 21:11] PaJR PHR moderator:

 Since when?

[11/07, 21:53] Patient Advocate 55f Backache Telangana: For last seven years

[12/07, 08:08] PaJR PHR moderator: 

Can you share her hourly daily routine before seven years when she was presumably living a normal life?

Let me share some examples in links below to demonstrate the structure of information, slotted into hourly slots we would need to proceed further in our evaluation 👇

Example 1 normalcy illustrated in another patient who doesn't have backache:

6.30 am : woke up and got prepared for morning Walk 

7.30 am : came home and went to bath 

8.00 am : students came of class 9 & class 7 and studied, drank cow milk with Protinex 

9.15 am : had lunch with rice, dal , mixed sabji and omlet curry 

9.30 am : did some household work 

10.00 am : went to school 

2.00 pm : returned home and slept 

3.30 pm : ate ruti , 1 spoon jaggery with milk and slept again

5.00 pm : woke up, students came and studied 

7.30 pm : went for tuition to teach drank milk tea without sugar and 2 biscuits 

8.45 pm : went for rehearsal of drama.

10.00 pm : came home and had dinner, rice , fish , dal , sabji 

10.15 pm : did some work 

11.30 pm : slept

More about this patient here:

Another backache patient's hourly activities:

8.00 AM - wakeup time

8-8.30 AM - freshup

9.00 AM - breakfast (2 idly + 2 vada + chutney)+ one cup tea

9.30 - 1 PM - client work on system

2 PM- lunch ( chicken biryani approximately 300 grams)

2.45-4.30 PM - sleeping

4.45-5.30 PM - went out on a casual walk of approximately 1.5 km

5.45 PM - 2 muffins + one cup coffee

6. PM- 9 PM - system work

9.20 PM - dinner (chicken biryani approximately 200 gm)

Note- the pain he had in the lower back on the left side area seems to have returned and is bothering in the same way like it did a week ago . Faces pain / discomfort in that area on deep breath and also when stretching body.

More about the above backache patient here:

More about daily hourly sharing of energy inputs and outputs here:

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