Saturday, January 7, 2023

Conversational learning on heart points in Google fit app

1/6, 6:41 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Can you share how the heart points are calculated?

[1/6, 6:45 AM] Rakesh Biswas: 👆@⁨Avinash Gupta Nepal⁩ there appears to be a formula taking into account the same variables shared here?

[1/6, 10:03 AM] 17F Pt Mb GAD: We can score heart points for each minute of activity that gets my heart pumping , like brisk walk

[1/6, 10:06 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Yes but I needed to know how exactly the machine is able to calculate the score. What are the different variables it considers? I guess that calls for you to again dive into a review of literature? 

I'm looking forward to you logging your daily learning into an online learning portfolio using blogspot.comas done by our students here

[1/7, 8:06 AM] Rakesh Biswas: The heart points score have hit a low yesterday 

I guess we couldn't find the exact formula as to how it is calculated but perhaps now we may be able to correlate it with the other variables here that too appear to have reduced ?

[1/7, 8:07 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Can you share some literature around this particular app?

[1/7, 6:20 PM] 17F Pt Mb GAD: 

[1/7, 6:27 PM] Rakesh Biswas: First blog post 👏

The only line in your answer that I can see relevant here is :

To quote 

Heart points are calculated for each minute of activity that gets our heart pumping, like brisk walk.


But then this line doesn't really tell us much detail?

Rest of the post may not be about the answer we seek? 

Please do always share reference links to whatever statements you make that are borrowed from other places, such as perhaps the API statements. Also the "heart point" calculation mechanism itself is perhaps referenced in a fitbit site?

[1/7, 6:30 PM] 17F Pt Mb GAD: There isn't much information provided in the internet about the mechanism . Thank you for your appreciation and feedback.

[1/7, 6:42 PM] Rakesh Biswas: I was stimulated by this surrender to step into the search now and I find there is a substantial amount of information out there that can be collated with references into your blog. 

Here goes :

"Google Fit awards Heart Points according to your walking minutes. If you walk 30 minutes, you get 30 Heart Points. If you run 30 minutes, you get 60 Heart Points."

[1/7, 6:43 PM] Rakesh Biswas: 👆You walked 8 minutes yesterday?

[1/7, 6:44 PM] Rakesh Biswas: 👆on Dec 31 you walked 42 minutes?

[1/7, 6:48 PM] 17F Pt Mb GAD: Yes

[1/7, 7:10 PM] Rakesh Biswas: More review of literature :


Google Fit follows some guidelines to convert your activity into Heart Points using the Metabolic Equivalent of Task or METs. Here are the guidelines:

One minute of any activity that is 3.0 to 5.9 METs = One Heart Point

One minute of any activity 6.0 METs or greater = 2 Heart Points

Next step :

Search how to calculate METs. This is something mbbs students learn (and forget) right from 1st years and maybe if they were from my gen, they probably got to see it practically only during testing their patients TMT

[1/7, 7:19 PM] Rakesh Biswas: So finally here's how one may calculate it through METs with formulas that take into account speed, body weight and duration of exercise:

Accuracy may not be the same as that for direct methods of METs calculation one may learn from standard text books of physiology

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