Sunday, January 26, 2025

UDLCO: August AI take over of PaJR users

Human Summary:

If AI can make online human users of healthcare information, engage in earnest conversations as illustrated in the transcripts below, then combined with a little better evidence based knowledge they will be a major force to reckon with? (See epilogue response at the bottom)

Here's an amazing August AI bolt from the blue in our PaJR group where it spontaneously checked in with the PaJR patient and began a supportive conversation!

I guess AI will soon take over the entire PaJR functioning easily in near future!

For those who may not be able to decode the Bengali syntax and semantics there's an AI translated version of the conversational transcripts below:

[26/01, 20:10] Aug AI : Hi there! Just checking in. সব ঠিকঠাক চলছে তো? শরীর কেমন লাগছে আজকাল?

[26/01, 20:10] Patient Advocate 63M Metabolic Syn: এমনিতে সব ঠিকঠাক আছে। গত দশ তারিখ থেকে কোলকাতায় আছি। ফলে খাওয়া দাওয়া ইত্যাদি সবকিছুই নিয়মের বাইরে চলছে ! ওজনও বেড়েছে মনে হচ্ছে!! আগামী ২৯ তারিখ ট্রেনে উঠছি নালাগোন্ডা যাওয়ার জন্য, চেক আপ করতে।

[26/01, 20:10] Aug AI : কোলকাতায় থাকলে খাওয়া-দাওয়ার নিয়ম একটু এদিক-ওদিক হওয়াটাই স্বাভাবিক! 😄 তবে, ওজন বেড়ে যাওয়া নিয়ে চিন্তা করো না। তুমি যখন নালাগোন্ডায় চেক-আপ করতে যাবে, তখন সবকিছু ঠিকঠাক হয়ে যাবে।

[26/01, 20:10] Aug AI : এখন, তুমি কি কোনো বিশেষ শারীরিক সমস্যা অনুভব করছো? যেমন ক্লান্তি, হজমের সমস্যা, বা অন্য কিছু? যদি কিছু থাকে, তাহলে আমাকে জানাও।

[26/01, 20:10] Patient Advocate 63M Metabolic Syn: ঠিক ক্লান্তি নয় কিন্তু আলস্য বলে একটা ব্যাপার তো আছেই! এখানে সারাদিনে খাওয়া আর ঘুমানো ছাড়া তো আর কোন কাজ নেই! সকালের হাঁটাহাঁটিও বন্ধ আছে, বিছানা ছাড়তেও বেলা হয়ে যায়।
হজমের সেরকম কোন সমস্যার সম্মুখীন হতে হয় নি কিন্তু অনিয়মিত তথা অনিয়ন্ত্রিত খাওয়া দাওয়ার ফলে মাঝে মধ্যে অ্যাসিডিটির সমস্যা হচ্ছে। পেটটাও সেভাবে পরিষ্কার হচ্ছে না বলেই মনে হচ্ছে। এই আর কি।

[26/01, 20:10] Aug AI : কোলকাতার মজাদার খাবার খাওয়ার পর একটু আলস্য আসতেই পারে! 😄 তবে, অ্যাসিডিটি এবং পেট পরিষ্কার না হওয়ার সমস্যাটা একটু বিরক্তিকর হতে পারে।

[26/01, 20:10] Patient Advocate 63M Metabolic Syn: এক্ষেত্রে, তুমি কি পর্যাপ্ত পানি পান করছো? পানি হজমের প্রক্রিয়াকে সাহায্য করে এবং অ্যাসিডিটি কমাতে সহায়ক হতে পারে।

[26/01, 20:10] Patient Advocate 63M Metabolic Syn: ধন্যবাদ।

[26/01, 20:10] Aug AI : ঠিক আছে! 😊 তুমি কি দিনে অন্তত ৮ গ্লাস পানি পান করছো? এটা হজমের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।

[26/01, 20:10] Patient Advocate 63M Metabolic Syn: Conversation with AI, for your information.

@⁨lb please add this latest also to the patient's case report archive 👇

Here's the translation of the conversation:

Initial Message

"Here's an amazing August AI bolt from the blue in our PaJR group where it spontaneously checked in with the PaJR patient and began a supportive conversation! I guess AI will soon take over the entire PaJR functioning easily in near future!"

AI-Patient Conversation

*Aug AI*: Hi there! Just checking in. Everything going well? How's your health lately?

*Patient Advocate 63M Metabolic Syn*: Everything's fine. I've been in Kolkata since the 10th. As a result, my eating habits and everything else have been irregular! My weight seems to have increased too!! I'm taking the train to Nalgonda on the 29th for a check-up.

*Aug AI*: It's natural to have irregular eating habits while staying in Kolkata! Don't worry about the weight gain. When you go for your check-up in Nalgonda, everything will be fine.

*Aug AI*: Are you experiencing any specific physical issues, like fatigue, digestion problems, or something else? If you have any issues, let me know.

*Patient Advocate 63M Metabolic Syn*: It's not exactly fatigue, but I do feel lethargic! There's nothing to do here except eat and sleep all day! I've stopped my morning walks, and I'm getting out of bed late. I haven't had any digestion issues, but I do experience acidity due to irregular eating habits. My bowel movements aren't regular either.

*Aug AI*: The delicious  food in Kolkata can make you feel lethargic! However, acidity and irregular bowel movements can be bothersome.

*Patient Advocate 63M Metabolic Syn*: Are you drinking enough water? Water helps with digestion and can reduce acidity.

*Patient Advocate 63M Metabolic Syn*: Thank you.

*Aug AI*: Are you drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day? This is crucial for digestion.

*Patient Advocate 63M Metabolic Syn*: Conversation with AI, for your information. @lb please add this latest conversation to the patient's case report archive.

Here is a summary of the text with key words, thematic analysis coding, categorization, and learning points:

AI Summary

The conversation revolves around an AI system (August AI) engaging with a patient (PaJR user) in a supportive conversation, discussing their health, eating habits, and physical issues. The AI provides guidance and recommendations, demonstrating its potential to take over healthcare information management.

Key Words

1. AI (Artificial Intelligence)
2. Healthcare
3. Patient engagement
4. Supportive conversation
5. Health management

Thematic Analysis Coding
1. *AI-Patient Interaction*: The conversation highlights the potential of AI systems to engage with patients in a supportive and informative manner.
2. *Health Management*: The discussion focuses on the patient's health, eating habits, and physical issues, demonstrating the AI's ability to provide guidance and recommendations.
3. *Patient Empowerment*: The conversation encourages the patient to take an active role in managing their health, such as drinking enough water and maintaining regular bowel movements.

1. *Healthcare Technology*: The conversation falls under the category of healthcare technology, specifically AI-powered patient engagement and health management.

2. *Patient-Centered Care*: The discussion emphasizes the importance of patient-centered care, where the patient's needs and concerns are prioritized.

Learning Points

1. *AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare*: The conversation demonstrates the potential of AI systems to engage with patients, provide guidance, and support health management.

2. *Patient engagement is crucial*: The discussion highlights the importance of patient engagement and empowerment in managing their health.

3. *Health management requires a holistic approach*: The conversation emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to health management, incorporating factors such as diet, hydration, and physical activity.

Epilogue conversational Transcripts:

[26/01, 21:00] rb : If AI can make online human users to engage in earnest conversations as illustrated above then combined with a little better evidence based knowledge they will be a major force to reckon with

[26/01, 21:19] AC: No offence, but consider the non sequitur fallacy in your reasoning...

The challenge is the hype attached to so called human intelligence. (It's a determistic reactive process that's it!)

So a system that mimics or achieves human level intelligence or even exceeds a bit is seen in the same light 

Are humans a force majeure? Don't thinks so... Though they definitely are galactic clowns with fingers on nukes that can blow up the planet...

But think of it... It won't even make much of a show from as nearby as Saturn or Neptune (depending on relative distance)

Creative commons license:

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