Tuesday, May 21, 2024

UDLCO: Group sharing pointers toward better UDLCO

Summary : Providing summary of video along with the youtube link can make it more interesting and usable for those  where is a need.

UDLCO transcripts :

[5/18, 7:01 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Relevant to parenting/mentoring students tooπŸ‘‡


- loneliness (lacking connection and communication with family and friends) is the most important challenge for children.

- priority list for expectation from children. 

1) happiness 

2) empathy 

3) success. 

Don't disturb the order.

- struggle is important for growth, but that journey should be with families support, not pressure.

- explaining pros and cons and giving data/evidence/experience is better than forcing decisions. It works.

- stressors are increasing in society (including deep fakes, cyber bullying and scams), unconditional support for open communication about any problems is highly important.

- Normalize sharing emotions rather than suppressing it.

2 hours long video in Hindi.

[5/18, 9:31 AM] GM : πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ great to see Rakesh - you provided summary of video along with the youtube link making it interesting and usable if there is a need.

 *Great practice for the community.* 
Else we see tens of simple forwards in the group which might mostly go unread.

[5/18, 9:31 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Learnt this from my students

[5/18, 9:36 AM] GM : πŸ‘ hope over time this rubs on others as well specially the multiple message senders on daily basis.

[5/19, 7:32 AM] Rakesh Biswas: What about these kind of messages? πŸ‘‡

UDLCO summary : Drug safety and role of user driven surveillance systems 

[5/19, 6:09 AM] Pulmo IT : Yes very much… I have seen tremors

[5/19, 6:10 AM] CMIO : are the QARA folks inactive? how do they allow pharma to release drugs into market without full knowledge of its safety profile

[5/19, 7:23 AM] Prof rural med : Releasing and utilizing health IT surveillance systems to track safety is itself a phase 4 trial strategy! 

However real healthIT is currently a very high hanging fruit and humans are just learning to jump and hop in it's shade (and also teach all that to their students seeking employment) till they learn to build a ladder!

[5/19, 8:12 AM] GM : πŸ‘Format wise looks okay to me. 

Rest leaving it to your best judgement whether this one belongs to health community group or industry-academia group.

[5/19, 9:52 AM] Rakesh Biswas: How about this? It's again an extreme end of the spectrum of shares perhaps but I'm just trying some group limit testing 
here πŸ‘‡

Industry-academia integrative as a fusion of Western and Indian business cognition illustrated through performative  musical cognition! 

Earlier thoughts on industry academia integrative:

"Industry academia integrative is a team based learning driven collaborative endeavor, where teams from different world views get together to think around a given individual industry's requirements and develop a plan that best fits those thrashed out requirements regardless of their own world view."

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