Sunday, February 25, 2024

Case report : *AyurEmergency Case 53*: Ayurvedic Emergency Management of Shwasa Kastata ( AECOPD ) in *train journey*  🚆

Case report : *AyurEmergency Case 53*: Ayurvedic Emergency Management of Shwasa Kastata ( AECOPD ) in *train journey*  🚆

Abstract : Ayurvedic interventions in emergency situations are not commonly communicated although it may be common. In this case report Dr Ahmed Savani, a practicing young  vaidya shares his experiences in using Ayurvedic patient during a train journey in a critically ill patient. 

The case was first reported in the form of whatsapp texts. 

[2/24, 10:32 AM] Dr  Ahmed Savani: *High Risk : Explained to relative who had already taken *DAMA* (discharge against medical advice) to return to his hometown Basti UP from Mumbai which takes approx 3 days to reach there.

[2/24, 10:33 AM] Dr Ahmed Savani: On observing bandage on hand, I inquired the history of Hospitalization 🏥  K/C/O of COPD  with Hyperbilirubinemia & Severe Anemia

[2/24, 10:37 AM] Dr Ahmed Savani: 🔰 Ayurvedic Emergency Management of *AECOPD (Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)*

At *12:30 AM on 6th Feb 2024*, aboard the Avadh Express from Mumbai to Surat I was travelling, a critical situation of *respiratory distress, termed as Shwasa Kastata*, was arrived and being only doctor in the train I was been called to address the situation.

The patient, a 50-year-old male with a medical history of *COPD, Hyperbilirubinemia, and Severe Anemia* (RBC 1.9 & HB 7), opted to leave against medical advice *(DAMA)* from ... Hospital to travel to ..., UP.

Upon assessment, the patient was conscious and oriented, with an *unreadable Spo2* likely due to hypotension or peripheral circulation cessation, and a *pulse rate of 140+/min*. Accompanied by his brother and child, the patient lacked proper reservation and was sleeping under a lower berth. 

In *absence of medical services* on the train or at the nearest station, and no oxygen supply at Surat Railway station, a decision was made to *initiate Ayurvedic emergency management* after obtaining *proper medicolegal consent*.

As the sole medical officer present, it was imperative to stabilize the patient clinically using *Ayurvedic emergency medications*. 

Subsequently, upon reaching Surat Railway Station, immediate contacts were utilized to arrange for the patient's transfer to the nearby SMC Hospital via ambulance equipped with oxygen supply.

- Vaidya Ahmed Savani 
Surat Gujarat

[2/24, 10:40 AM] Dr Ahmed Savani: Witness the *outcome of Emergency Ayurvedic Management* within *an hour*, where the *SpO2*, initially unreadable, *improved to 80+* and the *pulse*, initially 140+, *decreased to 102*. Overall patient got clinically stable... *Shwasa Kastata & Shwasa vega*  got almost resolved and reduced to major extent.

Despite the *patient's high risk* condition, their relatives desired to continue their journey by train for two more days. However, prioritizing safety and well-being, it was advised to provide *oxygen supply* and hospitalize the patient in Surat, the nearest railway station. 

Consequently, the patient dropped of at *Surat Railway Station* and promptly taken to the nearest Government Hospital via an ambulance equipped with oxygen facilities.


[2/24, 10:50 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: Interesting!

[2/24, 10:57 AM] Metapsychist Number 1 Kims 2015: What's the intervention you have done?

[2/24, 11:31 AM] Elective Ahmed Savani: 🔰 First of all the treatment I'll be sharing is *not at all based on Modern Diagnosis* 

Based on Nadi Pariksha, Darshan Sparshana and Prashana and Ayurvedic Iridology 👁 Test...*Treatment was based on Ayurvedic Nidana*

[2/24, 11:31 AM] Dr Ahmed Savani: *Ayurvedic Treatment given during the emergency*

1. Shwasa Kasa Chintamani Pottali 

2. Eladi Vati 

3. Pradhaman Nasya to stabilize the patient and Spo2

About the author :

I'm *Dr. Vd. Ahmed S. Savani* from *Surat, Gujarat*; 


CRAV (New Delhi) Rasa Aushadikaran & Rasa Chikitsa - Pune.

Practicing as *Consultant Ayurveda Physician* @ Blessing Hospital Multispeciality Surgical & Integrated Ayurvedic Oncology Centre, Surat.

Working as Nadi-Vaidya, Rasa-Vaidya and working as *Ayurvedic Iridologist 👁 since 2015*. I have a very strong inclination toward *Ayurveda Oncology* & *Aushadhikaran* (Customization of Preparing Personalized Classical Ayurveda Medicines like Rasakalpa & Kasthaushadhis for my patients and certain Vaidyas & Doctors across India and abroad) and *Clinical Research in Ayurveda in Rasashastra*. 

Currently also working on an innovative start-up project funded under *GSBTM* (Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission), *DST, Govt of India 🇮🇳* on *Bhasma Gamitva: Targeted Drug Delivery Ayurvedic Nanomedicines in Cancer as well as Acute Emergency and Chronic diseases.*

Core Team Member of *Ayur-Emergency Project* under Minstry of AYUSH & RGUHS Bangalore, initiated last year having *multidisciplinary team* of Modern Doctors ranging from Oncologist, Oncosurgeon, Hemato-oncologist and from AYUSH System of Medicine  Ayurveda: Rasa Vaidya, Netra Vaidya, Visha Vaidya, Siddha Vaidya, Homeopathy, Biotechnologist, Nanotechnologist, Musician, Statistician, Mathematician etc.. 

We conducted a nationwide *Ayur-Emergency Yatra* at various institutions as well as get together with the *Ayurveda Physician* already working using Ayurvedic Protocols for TB, Cancer and several Chronic as well as Acute Emergency even in ICU for their proper documentation.

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