Monday, January 1, 2024

Generalized feedback for internship completion assessment Nov to December 2023

Nov to Dec 2023 internship assessment result summary :

Total appeared : 9

Passed : 3

Extension 15 days : 3

Extension 30 days 3

The interns were assessed through a daily 360 degree formative assessment format and graded according to the following headings :

Patient care impact : x/20

Learning ecosystem impact: x/20

OSCE : x/30

AETCOM : x/20

Log book : x/10

Expectations from the interns to excel in each category :

Patient care impact :

OPD and IPD  individual patient data capture and entry into a PaJR group toward finally preparing an electronic  summary that can be archived in their online learning portfolio (log book). 

The above is a vital document of the information surrounding their overall impact on patient care also reflecting their ownership of those particular patients. 

Learning ecosystem impact :

Once the interns enter the data in the group from day 1 around the patients they own, it is immediately processed by the group members through further Socratic questioning and analysis of the themes isolated around each patient's diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty generating substantial potential learning outcomes depending on how each intern responds to the questions raised and tasks assigned. 


The above two workflows are vital to each patient's data being objectively structured and clinically evaluated that  generates sufficient learning outcomes driving better patient outcomes and this is to be archived as an osce document for each patient in the interns learning portfolio.  


The promptness with which each intern does the above detailed steps to create patient care and learning impact demonstrating optimal attitudinal, ethical and communication competence determines the overall impact of the intern on our learning and caring ecosystem. 

Log book :

The log book assessment is based on their online learning portfolio replete with their archived electronic discharge summaries generated from day 1 in their initial workflows around each patient, their daily logs of hourly activity, reflections and self performed procedural videos.

Interns performing all the above satisfactorily don't get training period extension while those who don't perform, get a variable period of 15-30 days depending on their self documented and faculty validated performance listed above under the various headings.  

OSCE assessment abstract : Pragmatic OSCEs were conducted for each of the following interns listed below who were interned to the department of medicine for 45 days largely in November and December 2023, everyday in batches of four, while assessing them summatively on the days they were working face to face with the assessor both at OPD and IPD as well as following them up formatively everyday through their work logged in their online learning portfolios as well as PaJR groups in a user driven manner.  

OSCE points and questions that all must be prepared to answer in their patients:

What bothers your patient the most and what are his active concerns? 

List the problems in your patient in order of patient priorities and requirements 

Sequence of events :
What was your patient's hourly workflow before the illness and how did it change after? 

What are the current diagnostic and therapeutic gaps and what more can the treating team do to fill those gaps?

More here : 

And user driven submissions of online portfolio links on learning themes for 360 degree peer feedback and assessment submitted here :

More about the modified osce format that preserves clinical complexity and realism:

Current batch list of interns and their quantitative and qualititative  assessments :


Quantitative evaluation:

OSCE : 5/30

AETCOM : 5/20

Log book : 5/10

Patient care impact : 10/20

Learning ecosystem impact: 5/20

Qualitative evaluation  : Needs more extension to see if she's trainable 

Can focus on asking more questions and sharing and communicating more as well as maintaining continuity and consistency of work done 

Extension recommended 30 days 


Quantitative evaluation:

OSCE : 10/30

AETCOM : 10/20

Log book : 5/10

Patient care impact : 10/20

Learning ecosystem impact: 5/20

Qualitative evaluation  : Needs more extension to see if she's trainable 

Can focus on asking more questions and sharing and communicating more as well as maintaining continuity and consistency of work done 

Extension recommended 15 days 


Quantitative evaluation:

OSCE : 15/30

AETCOM : 10/20

Log book : 5/10

Patient care impact : 10/20

Learning ecosystem impact: 10/20

Qualitative evaluation  : Trainable 

Can focus on asking more questions and sharing and communicating more as well as maintaining continuity and consistency of work done 


13) Anurag

Quantitative  evaluation:

OSCE : 5/30

AETCOM : 5/20

Log book : 3/10

Patient care impact : 5/20

Learning ecosystem impact: 5/20

Qualitative evaluation  : Needs more extension to see if he's trainable 

Can focus on asking more questions and sharing and communicating more about his patients in an accountable manner maintaining continuity and consistency of work done around them  

Chose to stay away from assigned work and scrutiny by not communicating at all about his patient's follow up and didn't take ownership of his patients neither communicate about them in a transparent and accountable manner. 

Extension recommended 30 days 


Quantitative evaluation:

OSCE : 10/30

AETCOM : 10/20

Log book : 5/10

Patient care impact : 10/20

Learning ecosystem impact: 5/20

Qualitative evaluation  : Needs more extension to see if he's trainable 

Can focus on asking more questions and sharing and communicating more about his patients in an accountable manner maintaining continuity and consistency of work done around them  

Extension recommended 15 days 


Quantitative  evaluation:

OSCE : 5/30

AETCOM : 5/20

Log book : 3/10

Patient care impact : 5/20

Learning ecosystem impact: 5/20

Qualitative evaluation  : Needs more extension to see if he's trainable 

Can focus on asking more questions and sharing and communicating more as well as maintaining continuity and consistency of assigned work. 

Chose to stay away from assigned work and scrutiny by not communicating at all about his patient's follow up and didn't take ownership of his patients neither communicate about them in a transparent and accountable manner. 

Extension recommended 30 days 


1) Self reflective writing on their medical student career 

2) Evidence based date wise workflow logs collated by the intern with clickable and verifiable links 

3) Anecdotal self reflections on their internship learning with some video  evidence of procedures performed 

4) Case based OSCE along with Bloom's learning levels achieved 

Quantitative evaluation:

OSCE : 10/30

AETCOM : 10/20

Log book : 5/10

Patient care impact : 10/20

Learning ecosystem impact: 5/20

Qualitative evaluation  : Needs more extension to see if she's trainable 

Can focus on asking more questions and sharing and communicating more as well as maintaining continuity and consistency of work done 

Extension recommended 15 days 

15 days 


Quantitative evaluation:

OSCE : 15/30

AETCOM : 10/20

Log book : 5/10

Patient care impact : 10/20

Learning ecosystem impact: 10/20

Qualitative evaluation  : Trainable 

Can focus on asking more questions and sharing and communicating more as well as maintaining continuity and consistency of work done 



Quantitative evaluation:

OSCE : 15/30

AETCOM : 10/20

Log book : 5/10

Patient care impact : 10/20

Learning ecosystem impact: 10/20

Qualitative evaluation  : Trainable 

Can focus on asking more questions and sharing and communicating more as well as maintaining continuity and consistency of work done 


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