Sunday, July 21, 2024

UDLCO dyadic public: Did our Vedic seers reject two dimensional academia driven by scribing? Commentary on (H P E) Speak A Volume But Never Scribe. "शतवारं वदन्तु न लिखन्तु " by Dr Neloy Sinha

UDLCO summary:

Dr Neloy Sinha's evocative prose below stimulates further reflections on our current academic two dimensional flat lands that are apparently our only source of learning by experientially observing and then mining and plucking local and global event data followed by it's slow system 2 processing through a cycle of reflection, conceptualization and experimentation. Is this just an Eastern construct that historical imperialist globalisation has forced us into? Why did Eastern Vedic seers apparently reject this flat land existence and preferred to depend totally on their fast system 1 memory processing using their biological brains to exactly remember and reshare knowledge without having to store it into a tablet first (historically stone first and then electronic silicon), with all it's implications toward jeopardizing privacy and confidentiality? The entire medical education, informatics and research industry that thrives on two dimensional translation of our three dimensional existence would be eliminated in seconds, faster than any electronic storm could ever roast it if we were to follow this supposedly Vedic wisdom of Speak A Volume But Never Scribe. "शतवारं वदन्तु न लिखन्तु "

The entire discussion is also accessible from the meu Google group link here:

UDLCO glossary: around terms such as UDLCO, PaJR etc:

Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024, 08:37
Subject: Re: (H P E) Speak A Volume But Never Scribe. "शतवारं वदन्तु न लिखन्तु "
To: <>
Cc: IAMI_Gen <>

Beautiful stream of consciousness prose:

Can I call it "Zen and the art of learning cycle maintenance" with apologies to RM Pirsig?

The iris in your palette appears to be an ontology web that connects, joins and binds diverse information elements from Brother Agathon of 1775 to Brother Louie of 1986!

Why do you think our Vedic seers did not want us to commit to a two dimensional 
academic platform that our current civilization is obsessed with, as academia and it's tools drives most of our lives and yet what did the Vedic seers see in rejecting it if they hadn't spiralled into another dimension where a long term memory was a given even without having to pen it or peck it into a two dimensional xy axis first?

Also shared this with the Indian association of medical informatics as their and the current medical industry's (both education and practice)'s whole existence pivots around documentation through data capture and archival (electronic medical records) and subsequent analysis (pka popularly known as health data analytics) as it's the only current AI way it knows to transcend the limitations of human memory and consequently learning ability!



On Wed, 17 Jul 2024, 07:45 Neloy Sinha, wrote:
One of my favourite nursery poem -
...And my eyes are blue
So ferry me across the water
Do, boatman do."
...    ... ...
The title aphorism is absolutely apt when it is applied on me. It happened many times in the past. I was in a faux pas because of my write first approach. I think a little and ink a lot. Those are neither cuneiform not calligraphic but a kind of indelible smear on an A4 paper, waiting to develop in a anisochromatic pattern.

In the Greek mythology the souls of the dead are ferried by Charon in exchange of a coin to cross the river Styx. A poetry by Christina Rossetti poignantly drew the request, "Ferry me across the water" by someone with a pair of blue eyes. The non kichalant Charon is hard to impress. As the poetess concludes, " Step into my ferry-boat,
                                              Be they black or blue,
                                              And for a penny in your purse
                                               I'll ferry you".

Those beautiful but saddened souls are taking their last ride. Only the ophthalmologists have the privilege to study those eyes in depth by appointment only! There lies the spectrum of colour from hazel green to turquoise blue. About 9% of Americans have hazel green eyes and the turquoise blue gene can be traced to Middle East and North Africa. Not surprisingly, at times the iris patterns strikingly mimick  that of the distant nebulae.

About four decades ago, one may not remember well about the iconic eyes of an Afgan refugee girl, which was printed on the cover of the National Geography during the Soviet- Afgan conflict in 1985. The picture was shot by an American photographer Steve Mc Curry. The girl was hailed as " First World's  Third world Mona Lisa." because of Sharbat Gula's piercing green eyes. That might be the trend and transition of beauty from the eyes of the beholder to surrender 'beauty' to be judged by the eye of the media.

We have come a along way from those yesteryear's conflicts which can be summerized as, "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly". The concept is changing to "The Great, The Bash and The Ultimate". As we want the best our mobiles are transforming to multi eyes monsters and flourishing in the competitive market. On the other hand inspite of success and prosperity the commodities like television ( better to say the Google screen) is shrinking in size alarmingly compared to that of our neighbour's. As I read some where recently that These are the prodromal symptoms of AI infestation at the societal level.

While we are busy with the airbrush to conceal the eyes of the patients in the clinical photographs to burry their identities routinely. Those are the ghosts of the patients without 'Aadhaar' (social security number). Those are the  Jane and John Dows for the sake of advancement of medical sciences.

We have continually traversed to understand and achieve the best. Once upon a time we were shepherd through the vast empty landscapes of the earth in search for the ideal promised land. Lands are shared now with minor on going conflicts. The able GPS facility displaced the shephard and embraced the Uber to reach the rendezvous base camp. From there the sherpa take over to push us to the summit through the most congested trail of the earth.

  I am not as good as the Zen Masters and suffer from different maladies of inadequacies in the pursuit of the qualities of an adequate teacher. The desired qualities were almost unobtainable since I stumbled over the "Twelve virtues of a good teacher" by Brother Agathon.  At this point I must admit that I was familiar with Brother Louie of ' Modern Talking' 

It is a fantastic article considering that it was conceptualized around 1775 AD but still maintains its relevance. The further interesting threads are the links to the psalms of the holy book, that creates an intricate web mimicking an iris. It is a long but satisfactory experience for an unaccustomed individual who is otherwise fanatically busy to keep the mandatory score of twenty in the era of T20 registrar.

With warm regards,
Neloy Sinha.

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