Sunday, March 2, 2025

Metapsych full throttle connections, UDLCO, chatshala around nutritional quackery: Jackfruit and metabolic syn journal club followed by ontology tie ups to famine and kaliyuga or the yoke of darkness and quackery of nutritional iron deficiency anemia


Metapsych full throttle connections UDLCO around nutritional quackery: Jackfruit and metabolic syn journal club followed by ontology tie ups to famine and kaliyuga or the yoke of darkness and quackery of nutritional iron deficiency anemia. Metapsych is a group discussion forum around building Elon's everything app and they are currently discussing everything before they start to build it! More about it here:

Conversational Transcripts:

Jackfruit marketing through impressive frugal RCTs:

[20/12/2024, 06:34] RNG HIT: I didn't know about this, nor have I tried this yet. But will try this as soon as possible and update you 101 days down the line

[20/12/2024, 06:46] Tech Frugal Innovator: @⁨ Sir your view

[20/12/2024, 09:43]cm: The same presenter did an impressive small sized RCT and while he may think the results are significant, which statistically they are, clinically they don't appear significant and I quote:

"Primary endpoint
The mean HbA1c level was reduced from baseline 55.57 mmol/mol (7.23%) to week 12, 52.84 mmol/mol (6.98%) with the mean change of −2.73 mmol/mol (−0.25%) in Group A (Fig. 2). In Group B, the mean HbA1c level at baseline was 55.88 mmol/mol (7.26%) and at 12 weeks was 56.11 mmol/mol (7.28%)."

[20/12/2024, 09:47]cm: Ask the presenter to recruit you into another RCT before you start your jack fruit therapeutic journey!

Meanwhile the other tragi comic fun fact about jackfruit  is that they saved people of Kerala from Churchill's famine while Bengal died in large numbers as they didn't let go off their rice staple desires inspite of having plenty of jack fruit trees!

@⁨Kmcq⁩ I guess I may have to prepare a "jackfruit UDLCO" soon also including our personal jackfruit driven journeys to many corners of India (archived in Facebook) in search of the best sapling to fit our Telangana soil!

[20/12/2024, 10:04] Kmcq: Jackfruit seeds are also roasted and taken as food in Godavari districts.
Not sure at other places..

[20/12/2024, 10:06] cm: Yes everywhere in India but again as an occasional non staple

[20/12/2024, 11:01] RNG HIT: Thank you @⁨⁩  🙏🏻

I checked out the prices of the product, and its quite whopping ranging from Rs 600+ to more than Rs 1000 per kg.  Good business model, but if it works, well, should be worth it.  If not, they can always say that as per their RCT (Rapid?), more than 50% got cured

[20/12/2024, 11:16] Kmcq: Where did you last see a jackfruit tree?

Can we try planting one?

[20/12/2024, 11:35] Tech Frugal Innovator: Due to startup pricing model it is high we can grow in small containers too

[20/12/2024, 11:38]m: I don't know never did 

If anyone has backyard let's plant it

[20/12/2024, 11:39] Kmcq: There's one in our colony park as far as I recall.
Will check when I go to Hyd.

@⁨Tech Frugal Innovator⁩ how can we do it in small containers?

[20/12/2024, 11:51] Tech Frugal Innovator: Will show it.It is part of my Sanitary pads project

[20/12/2024, 11:51] Tech Frugal Innovator: Air layered saplings are available ready to fruit

[20/12/2024, 11:52] Tech Frugal Innovator: Cost is little high but can be addressed in long-term

[20/12/2024, 14:43] cm: Yes and their RCT had just 40 patients!

[20/12/2024, 14:45] RNG HIT: Understood

[20/12/2024, 14:48] Rakesh Biswas: Jackfruit trees seen in Hyderabad👇

From Jackfruit to Churchill's Famine:

[20/12/2024, 19:30]cm: "Sailen remembers going to talk to one man, Anangamohan Das, who was then 91. On hearing why he was there, the man was quiet for some time. Tears then streamed down his sunken cheeks as he said, "Why did you come so late?" 

[20/12/2024, 22:56] RNG HIT: Sanatana Dharma's predictions of Kalyug is so accurate indeed...

[20/12/2024, 22:58] RNG HIT: try booking a hotel from an iPhone and android device simultaneously, you will find a great price difference; no marks for guessing which would be cheaper..

[20/12/2024, 23:11] RNG HIT: What are the characteristics of Kalyug?

[20/12/2024, 23:12] RNG HIT: In Hindu mythology, the Kalyug (also known as Kali Yuga) is the fourth and current era of the world, characterized by darkness, chaos, and spiritual decline. Here are some key characteristics associated with the Kalyug:

Moral Decline

1. Increased sin and corruption: People will become more sinful, and corruption will prevail.
2. Decline of dharma: Righteousness and moral principles will erode.
3. Lack of self-control: Humans will become more impulsive and lacking in self-control.

Social Unrest

1. Wars and conflicts: The Kalyug will witness numerous wars, battles, and social unrest.
2. Family breakdown: Family values will deteriorate, leading to increased divorce rates and family conflicts.
3. Social inequality: Social and economic disparities will widen.

Environmental Degradation

1. Natural disasters: The Kalyug will experience frequent natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and droughts.
2. Environmental degradation: The environment will suffer due to pollution, deforestation, and climate change.
3. Loss of biodiversity: Many species will become extinct due to human activities.

Spiritual Decline

1. Decline of spiritual knowledge: People will forget or ignore spiritual teachings and scriptures.
2. Rise of false prophets: False spiritual leaders and gurus will mislead people.
3. Increased materialism: People will become more materialistic and attached to worldly possessions.

Other Characteristics

1. Shortened human lifespan: Human lifespan will decrease due to various factors like disease, war, and environmental degradation.
2. Increased disease and suffering: People will suffer from various diseases, and medical science will struggle to keep up.
3. Rise of machines and technology: The Kalyug will witness rapid advancements in technology, which will both benefit and harm humanity.

Keep in mind that these characteristics are based on Hindu mythological texts and interpretations. The Kalyug is believed to have started around 3102 BCE and will last for 432,000 years, after which the world will be destroyed and recreated.

Kali Yuga to quackery:

[21/12/2024, 09:58] Kmcq: 

Oxypathor", a quack device for increasing the body's absorbtion of oxygen, Canadian, 1910-1920

The Oxypathor was a ‘quack’ device designed by E. L. Moses of Buffalo United States. It allowed the body to absorb extra oxygen via a cord attached to the wrist and ankle. Attached to this cord and placed in a bowl of water was a sealed metal cylinder containing sand or carbon, or sometimes nothing. The all-curing device supposedly helped conditions such as diphtheria, blood disorders, catarrh, kidney trouble, heart trouble, gallstones, blood poisoning, pneumonia, typhoid fever and ‘most forms of paralysis.’ The American Post Office Department won a criminal fraud case against Moses in 1915. He was sentenced to 18 months in jail for promoting quack devices.

[21/12/2024, 10:13]cm: Here's another quackery experiment in education:

Deeply Boring title: Randomized controlled trial in gurukul education comparing performance based competence assessments between free style team based learning vs rigorous one to one learning ecosystems 

Mixed fruit jam fun title: 
Guru cool heady cocktail of mixed fruit jam vs sober, sombre, crappy concert performance based learning lures to light indian classical music.

Here's the Jam version:

Here's the concert version:

Go figure! 

I guess the concert version allows you a learning mode while the jam is in the fun mode. Everyone including learners and learned may agree that the jam version is a more fun learning luring experience and while the jam stimulates curiousity and buy in, the concert stimulates disciplined rigor.

[21/12/2024, 10:13]cm: Fun filled Medical education quackery experiments are a traditional annual routine in the Christmas editions of BMJ 👇

From Quackery to 

[21/12/2024, 11:34] Kmcq: Though complexity science and chaos theory have become a common scientific divulgation
theme, medical disciplines, and pathology in particular, still rely on a deterministic, reductionistic
approach and still hesitate to fully appreciate the intrinsic complexity of living beings. Herein, com plexity, chaos and thermodynamics are introduced with specific regard to biomedical sciences, then
their interconnections and implications in environmental pathology are discussed, with particular
regard to a morphopathological, image analysis-based approach to biological interfaces. Biomedical
disciplines traditionally approach living organisms by dissecting them ideally down to the molecular
level in order to gain information about possible molecule to molecule interactions, to derive their
macroscopic behaviour. Given the complex and chaotic behaviour of living systems, this approach is
extremely limited in terms of obtainable information and may lead to misinterpretation. Environ mental pathology, as a multidisciplinary discipline, should grant privilege to an integrated, possibly
systemic approach, prone to manage the complex and chaotic aspects characterizing living organisms.
Ultimately, environmental pathology should be interested in improving the well-being of individuals
and the population, and ideally the health of the entire ecosystem/biosphere and should not focus
merely on single diseases, diseased organs/tissues, cells and/or molecules.
Keywords: fractal; entropy; life; living organisms; system biology; biological interface

[21/12/2024, 11:35]cm: In short become interested in logging the real human beings around you instead of wasting time in contrived theory

[21/12/2024, 13:40] 56M Asthma CAD Metabolic Hyd: Men become intelligent in Kali Yuga.  

The experiences of Kruta Yuga wherein Prahlada didn't attained Moksha,   Treta Yuga where the followers of Dharma faced troubles,  Dwapara Yuga where Dharma taken the path of Adharma to win by showing opponent's acts of Adharma.

Finally men in Kali Yuga realized that, there is no such things like Dharma or Adharma, the only thing is survival.

[22/12/2024, 11:44] Kmcq: Population
288 students (aged 12-16 years) from economically disadvantaged families attending a rural boarding school in India.

Inclusion Criteria
- Aged 12-16 years
- Economically disadvantaged families
- Attending a rural boarding school
- General good health
- No chronic disease or acute illness
- Not severely anemic (hemoglobin ≥85 g/L)
- Not taking iron supplements or medications interfering with iron absorption
- Residing full-time at the boarding school

Exclusion Criteria
- Severe anemia (hemoglobin <85 g/L)
- Chronic disease or acute illness
- Taking iron supplements or medications interfering with iron absorption

- Biofortified iron intervention

- Control group (non-biofortified)

- Cognitive function (various tests)

Sample Size
- Initially screened: 288
- Enrolled: 246
- Underwent cognitive testing: 146
- Completed baseline and endline cognitive data: 140 (93 biofortified, 53 control)
Sample size calculation shows 60/group would be sufficient.

Cognitive performance generally improved across the trial, as hypothesized (Tables 3 and 4). On the attention tasks, significant treatment effects were observed for RT on SRT and GNG tasks, and on 5 outcomes in the ANT (Table 5). Compared with the control group, the biofortified group became faster by endline on the most basic cognitive task (SRT), the simple attentional task (GNG), and the 2-cue and inconsistent flanker conditions in the ANT. Attentional improvement in the biofortified group was strongly supported by significant treatment effects on all 3 ANT difference measures: alerting, orienting, and conflict. Performance in the control group actually declined for orienting and conflict (Table 3). A large proportion of variance in endline performance for RT on inconsistent flanker conditions (η2p = 0.24) and conflict score (η2p = 0.35) was explained by treatment group (Table 5).
In terms of memory, significant treatment effects were seen for 4 outcomes across the 2 tasks, with all effects favoring the biofortified group (Table 5). On the CFE, each score was an interaction contrast for the interaction of memory (familiarity) and attention (alignment), and was scaled so that positive values indicate a cost due to the increased demands of efficient memory retrieval on selective attention. The cost of improved memory retrieval was seen in terms of speed, accuracy (hit rate), and sensitivity to face identity. Treatment group accounted for 25% of the variance in change in sensitivity. On the CRT, participants in the biofortified group showed better ability to adapt to increasing workload, as indicated by a greater percentage change in capacity from baseline to endline. The effect for percentage change in capacity was large (group η2p = 0.38), with the biofortified group increasing from 31% to 78%, compared with a change from 32% to 42% in the control group (Table 4).

ANT-Attention Network Task.
AGPα1-acid glycoproteinANTAttentional Network TaskBIbody ironCFEComposite Face EffectCRPC-reactive proteinCRTCued Recognition TaskGNGGo/No-Goppmparts per millionRTreaction timeSRTsimple reaction timeTfRtransferrin receptor

[22/12/2024, 11:44] Kmcq: Cognitive Performance in Indian School-Going Adolescents Is Positively Affected by Consumption of Iron-Biofortified Pearl Millet: A 6-Month Randomized Controlled Efficacy Trial

In the past there have been quite a few attempts to prove that iron deficiency could be nutritional. The one that came closest is perhaps here: and discussed here:

While iron deficiency ID remains a primary cause of anemia in general in many settings, the proportion of anemic individuals with ID varies by contextual factors, and poor iron nutrition cannot be assumed to be the primary cause in all cases. Given the complex etiology of anemia, the extent to which ID accounts for the anemia burden continues to be investigated."

To navigate clinical complexity in patients with anemia and optimize their management toward reducing diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty along with improvement in their anemia outcomes, we followed up 50 patients for 2 years from Mid 2022 to mid 2024 by initially selecting patients presenting with a combination of anemia and complex etiological possibilities where the diagnosis remained uncertain and treatment remained empirical. For example a typical patient to be included may have low hemoglobin and low serum ferritin with no history of blood loss or dietary indiscretions or a patient with low hemoglobin and high serum ferritin likely to have both iron deficiency as well as chronic inflammation. 

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