Saturday, May 28, 2016

UDHC and Medical Elective workflow deconstructed in interview

1. Do you think there is a lack of communication among doctors at present and if yes, what are the factors responsible?
Lack of communication is because of unused asynchronous channels that have the potential to bridge the current gap.
3.  What are the present means you use to contact other doctors/your colleagues?
We as physicians need to have our patient files in the cloud to share their details with a global network and currently we create 'patient-health-records' as blogs (such as these: and sometimes some of our urban patients also create them (such as here: Following this we share these open online patient records in our online forum which evokes a discussion with the doctors in the online forum.
For Inpatients in our Medical College in Bhopal, India please find
linked below these 3 EHRs that also contains the Conversational
clinical decision support workflow):,,

Our Telemedicine patients (again with the Conversational clinical
decision support workflow-scroll to bottom):

One sample EHR uploaded by the patient's caregiver in USA:

One sample EHR from a patient in

One sample EHR from a patient in Mathabhanga, rural
4. Do you think these ways fulfill your networking needs?
We seek ways to upload our patient data faster and in an easier manner. Presently we utilize the services of intermediaries such as PICMs but we need to scale this model and develop a trained workforce. We have been trying to develop healthcare competencies in potential community health workers and medical students over a hectic two week (24x7) 'patient driven blended-learning curriculum' here : We try to offer them a 'systems and practice based' learning environment where they are likely to get an overview of all the competencies necessary to become a competent health professional. We also have few intermittent global medical student visitors from France, US, Australia and Taiwan other than India.  

A lot of health care management consists of 'patient information communication management' traditionally identified as a territory of 'doctors' but gradually there has been a huge gap that needs to be filled in this area and i feel it can be safely filled by health-workers. 

Here is a link to further details on our planned course that tries to address this gap 
by potential patient information communication managers: 

Here is another link to a business model for this course and 
here's another one that details the philosophy behind its current workflow.
5. What are the challenges you face in keeping up-to-date with latest information?

The biggest challenge is the duality of trying to answer the individual patient's information requirement using population based research (More here:

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