Friday, April 10, 2015

Global Health Case Reports Template

We have begun developing the Global health case reports campaign on a war footing in collaboration with the BMJ Case Report Editorial board who have been gracious enough to peer review our pre-publication drafts and we are looking forward to more Global Medical Elective students joining  our program with us here
in Bhopal.

Pasted below is a Global Health Case Reports Template (also downloadable from the BMJ Case Reports web site if you google for it) to guide our prospective authors:

TITLE OF CASE Do not include “a case report”

150 WORD SUMMARY Focus the summary on the case or the Global Health problem that you want to discuss. You may wish to give an indication of the severity of the case or the scale of the problem

CASE PRESENTATION Explain the relevant features of the case in sufficient detail so that someone in another country would have a good understanding of who you are describing. Go back to the history of the problem, and forward to the outcomes that have resulted

GLOBAL HEALTH PROBLEM LIST Just list the problems raised in the case. These will be discussed more precisely in the section below

GLOBAL HEALTH PROBLEM ANALYSIS The problem analysis directly addresses each problem in your case that needs attention to achieve a better health outcome for the patient. This should be a well-researched and balanced account. Find and appraise all the relevant medical, epidemiological and socio-political literature. Explaining missing epidemiological data is important in the appraisal of the literature. Make sure you discuss all the relevant aspects of the case, including important anthropological, cultural and community issues

LEARNING POINTS/TAKE HOME MESSAGES 3 to 5 bullet points – this is a required field and should be directly relevant to the Global Health issues being discussed

REFERENCES Vancouver style

FIGURE/VIDEO CAPTIONS Figures should NOT be embedded in this document

PATIENT’S PERSPECTIVE Optional but strongly encouraged

Copyright Statement

I, [INSERT YOUR NAME IN FULL], The Corresponding Author, has the right to assign on behalf of all authors and does assign on behalf of all authors, a full assignment of all intellectual property rights for all content within the submitted case report (other than as agreed with the BMJ Publishing Group Ltd) (“BMJ”)) in any media known now or created in the future, and permits this case report  (if accepted) to be published on BMJ Case Reports and to be fully exploited within the remit of the assignment as set out in the assignment which has been read.



Corresponding author’s last name and date of submission, eg,


·         This template is for case reports with a focus on Global Health; you will need to submit your completed template online
o    You will be asked for more detailed information on submission where you can also upload images, multimedia files, etc
o    Further details are available in the Instructions for Authors

·         You must have signed informed consent from patients (or relatives/guardians) before submitting to BMJ Case Reports. Please anonymise the patient’s details as much as possible, eg, specific ages, ethnicity, occupations. For living patients this is a legal requirement under the UK’s Data Protection legislation; we will not send your article for review without explicit consent from the patient or guardian. If the patient is deceased the Data Protection Act does not apply but authors must seek permission from the next of kin. If you cannot get signed consent from the next of kin, the head of your medical team/hospital or legal team must take responsibility that exhaustive attempts have been made to contact the family and that the paper has been sufficiently anonymised not to cause harm to the family. You will need to upload a signed document to this effect.
o   Further information is available online
o   Consent forms are available in several languages

·           BMJ takes publication ethics very seriously and abides by the best practice guidance of the Committee on Publication Ethics. BMJ is a member of CrossCheck by CrossRef and iThenticate which is a plagiarism screening service that verifies the originality of content submitted before publication. iThenticate checks submissions against millions of published articles, and billions of web content. Authors, researchers and freelancers can also use iThenticate to screen their work before submission by visiting
    • Every article is screened on submission and any that is deemed to overlap more than trivially with other publications will be rejected automatically with no right of appeal

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