Saturday, October 11, 2014

Online Learning portfolio summary

RB is a professor of Medicine in LN Medical College and Research Center, Bhopal, India. His interests include clinical problem solving applied to patient centered health care and health education.

He has in the past shared his experiences in clinical problem solving extensively through global academic journals and books and is currently a deputy editor for BMJ Case reports, UK (, chief editor for the International Journal of User Driven Healthcare, US ( ) and a regional editor for the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, UK ( ).


He is currently engaged in developing a health care blended-learning ecosystem through a network of global multiple learner stakeholders that includes medical student and health professionals from diverse disciplines. It also includes patients along with their relatives in rural and urban India so that they may benefit from this global learning toward their local caring.

As all these stakeholders are computer users communicating through the web with a user name the network is also known as 'User Driven Health Care' UDHC network. More here:

The network has currently piloted in rural and urban Indian locations with encouraging responses from patients, medical students and global health professionals connected through the web. The network eventually hopes to propagate 'patient centered learning in India such that medical students and health professionals take pride in their teamwork toward making a positive change in their patients' lives. It hopes to in this manner utilize patient centered learning to build a vital bridge between basic and clinical science professionals that may translate bedside patient needs to solutions from the bench.


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